Hey all! My song "Elliptical" was played at Singapore's Woodlands Stadium on 11th of April for the NCC(My school army thing) to do their PDS (Rifle flips and etc.!) I was so elated! Thanks all teachers and friends who helped in giving me some exposure!! Special thanks to my cousin Firman too for helping me spread the song in his school =D!!!
Whats coming up next???
1) Hit it harder - RdM (My first HARDSTYLE baby!!!)
2)"Falling From Heaven"Kr1zRdM (How much longer am i gonna delay -.-)
Thats it!@!! My mid-year exams are comin and so ive been TRYING to study xD (Me + Studying = o.O)
Heh!! Anyways, i also have alot of stuff up like practicing the piano! (grading test comin soon!)
and as well as perfecting the shuffle!!(Trust me, you would NOT want to see me do it xD ahahha)
That's actually part of the reason why im creatin' hardstyle!!~
Thanks ALOT to Navarone666 (Alec) for introducing me to it xD
we were supposed to come up with a collab but he's busy D.o.t.A. - ing, lol i would too but i got too much stuff on!! ANYWAYSSSSS SEE YA!!~ =D GOOOOO YOUTH OLYMPIC GAMESSSS xD!
-Bahdshah (RedMoon Deejay)
helluw, my score is crap.
LAL so are mindszzzzzzz D=